Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Christmas in July

When I was traveling Europe I decided that I needed to have a collection of some sort. After contemplating many different ideas I settled on Christmas ornaments. I figured you really get to look at them once a year, they are on display in your home, they are portable, and most of the time they are beautiful, and I love to buy beautiful things. The problem with collecting Christmas ornaments is the fact that it is hard to find them from January-October. Some of the places I’ve visited I don’t have ornaments from for this very reason, but considering I lived in Brazil for a month I thought it was necessary to represent it on my tree.

Throughout July I kept my eyes open for anything that would substitute for a Christmas ornament, even playing with the idea of using my Deloitte security badge as one. I mentioned this to my buddy and asked if she had any ideas but she thought there were no ornaments in Brazil to be found. My last day I went to the Havaiana store in the mall and bought a keychain, thinking maybe I could fasten this into some sort of ornament.

Friday night at the Deloitte happy hour Paula came in with a  box and said that she got something for me. I said, “You didn’t have to do that!” because she had really already given me so much. “I didn’t have to buy it,” she said. I opened the box and inside was an ornament from her tree. I was so touched I started crying. Laura commented that this was the best ornament possible because it really embodied what our stay there was about: the people. I cannot wait for December when Paula’s ornament will adorn my tree and to think back on all the people that I left in Brazil.

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