When you are only in Brazil for four weeks you have to cover a lot of ground quickly (and in Brazil there is a lot of ground). This weekend I am going along with seven other interns to Foz do Iguaçu. Foz do Iguaçu are massive waterfalls on the border of Argentina and Brazil and promise to make you forget Niagra like writers on Glee forget plot lines.
This adventure is especially amazing because it coincides with the full moon and we are having a moonlight tour tomorrow. I have always said moonlight is my favorite light and seeing the falls lit up should be breathtaking. There is even talks of seeing lunar rainbows (who even know that existed?). The only trouble we have in the forecast, which was cause it to be too cloudy but hopefully the clear forecast holds true (I sacrificed a calf to the weather gods for a little extra security).
We first two nights we are staying on the Argentinian side and on Sunday evening (we fly back early Monday) we are staying on the Brazilian side. This really pleases the part of me that loves getting her passport stamped.
In closing, I will be safe, take lots of pictures, and update you all when I return.
I'm glad I read your blog so I could see that YOU STOLE MY JOKE WITHOUT CITATION!