Sunday, July 3, 2011

Last of Day One

After a huge lunch we went back to the hotel to nap once again and then Fabi took us out to a club with her friends from university. We had a great time and I got to try another Brazilian favorite, Guarana, a soda that is flavored with an Amazonian fruit of the same name. It's kind of a light flavor that is not super sweet or fruity and I found it refreshing.

The bar, Cortez, was nice because we could dance but also sit outside and chat with Fabi and her friends. Laura and I met Jessica, another audit intern from Brooklyn for the first time there. She had just flown into Sao Paulo a few hours before she met us but she was ready to make the most of it and led the way to the dance floor. One thing I found interesting is the amount of American music played. It was pretty fun to sing along with everyone to the Black Eyed Peas. After the DJ finished there was a live band that played what Fabi called "Brazilian country" music. A great time was had by all!

1 comment:

  1. I would be interested in trying the Guarana, and I believe it has a high percentage of caffeince.
